If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. - Michael Jackson

Do You Have A Google Account?

Welcome to my blog! Firstly, feel free to look around. Check out my FairTrade Shop of the Moment and vote in my poll - the Shop of the Moment is located in the right hand column.
If you have a passion for the environment and social justice, please subscribe by typing your email address below. You won't get any spam - just occasional updates on how to change the world. If you have a Google Account, please follow this blog.
Also, please tell others about this blog. It means a lot to a thirteen year old blogger, and you never know - it might just change the world...

Friday, December 30, 2011

What Will 2012 Bring?

Christmas is over for another year, and now our (somewhat tired) eyes turn towards the dawn of 2012. What new challenges lie over the horizon? What new friends will we make, what will we achieve? What will we be defeated by, and what will we overcome? What will we change in our world, with a fresh start and a clean slate before us?
The answers to these questions will not be known until 2012 is upon us. Even then, we must strive to be our best, dou our best, show our best - for only then can we make a true difference.
So, today, if you haven't already, I ask you to create a New Years Resolution.
Perhaps you will vow to drive less, take public transport more and reduce carbon emissions.
Perhaps you will vow to only buy FairTrade chocolate and coffee, and take a stand against slave labour.
Perhaps you will vow to volunteer at a local charity or petshelter and help others around you.
Perhaps you will vow to take shorter showers and never buy bottled water, save Earth's resources.
Perhaps you will vow to always remember your green bags when you go shopping, and save waste.
Perhaps you will vow to sponsor an underprivileged child, an endangered species.
Perhaps you will vow to donate to a charity once a month, once every six months.
Perhaps you will just vow to be a better person, a better friend.
Whatever your New Years Resolution challenges you to do, please share it with us. Comment on this post - what is your resolution and how will you keep it?
So, everyone, let us embrace the New Year, dig deep, and Be The Change in 2012!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

The tree is decorated, the lights are shining, the lists are being finished. Christmas is just around the corner, and in the rush before the big day we often forget what is most important, who is most important.
The people you know, and love. Family and friends whose lives you are about to change with a new pair of socks.
And the people you may never meet, but you can change their lives too.
Actually, scratch that. I'm too busy. I am not going to click here, or here, or here to change an impoverished family's life - not my problem, is it?
So, everybody, ask yourself - can I make time to help someone survive in a Third World country? Can I make the time to give fresh water to an impoverished community? Can I make time to feed a family, educate a child? 
If you say you can make the time, you can. Commit to change, and you will make a difference in the world - from home, and often for less than you expected. Don't give up things to change - just change for change! Buy FairTrade chocolate instead of slave made, buy an Oxfam gift instead of some socks. It's not hard, you know - you just have to commit. Don't forget, you can swap things on your kilometre long shopping list for palm oil free alternatives - save the tigers and orangutans! - at this site.
So, in case I don't post again before the big day, have a safe, happy, and very merry Christmas this year!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Save The Tigers

We all have favourite animals. The cute, the funny, the clever... and the beautiful. One of my favourite animals is the tiger, because of its beauty and its courage. 
I love everything about the tiger, from the cute cub that makes you go 'Awww...' to the beautiful, majestic creature that will live forever...
Wait - live forever? No way - not if humans have any say about it.

With less than 3200 tigers - of all breeds - left in the wild, tigers are one of the fastest disappearing species in the world. Already many subspecies have gone extinct.
Now, I want you to scroll through these pictures, and think to yourself:
Do I Want Them To Die?

If we ignore this problem, simply go on with our lives, this whole species will just... disappear. Gone forever - it won't come back.

So, I want to save the tigers, because if I don't, nobody will. But how do I go about saving a whole species?
Easy. Here's some ideas...

Fundraise. As a school, as a business, as a community. Sell cakes, chocolate, anything!
Only eat palm oil free food, or at least try to cut back on your intake so tigers have a home.
Raise awareness! Posters. Emails. Facebook. YouTube. Blogs. Forums. Businesses.

Tell somebody. Its too big a problem to tackle by yourself!
Help everyone you can. It is only when we work together that we can save the tigers!
Encourage your friends to help. Its fun and makes you feel good.

Today. Now. That's when to start. Don't delay, don't procrastinate.
Information is important. Load your mind before taking action.
Get together to design, plan and make a difference.
Everyone has a talent - use yours! Are you musical? Put on a show! Artist? Paint!
Receivers of your raised funds - who will you support?
Sponsors - get local businesses behind you to make a huge difference.

Because they need YOU.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Hard Time To Go Palm Oil Free

With 12 days to Christmas, preparations for many celebrations are already underway. Shopping lists being planned, invitations and arrangements being made. It is, perhaps, the hardest time to focus on buying palm oil free products.
Perhaps that is a challenge. Yes, it is. I am challenging you - how clever can you be? How many items on your kilometre long shopping list can you substitute for a more sustainable option?
It's up to you. It's up to me. Orangutans are dying, and we are the only ones who can change it.
Go on, take up the challenge. To help you, I am sending you straight to a list of palm-oil free products - just click here. Most of the work is done for you!
A lot of people will have seen this video on TV - if you have, or if you haven't, watch it again. Then say 'awww', read the rest of the post and forget all about it - or take action.

To go straight to the home of the Humane Society International, follow this link: http://www.hsi.org.au/
For a slightly old, but nonetheless interesting blog, follow this link: http://naturehealer.blogspot.com/
For school project worthy information on orangutans and how you can help, click here.
If you want to learn about orangutans, sponsoring orangutans or just learn about abused animals, visit this site.
For all things orangutan, visit the home of orangutans - not Indonesia, but this site: http://www.orangutan.org.au/
To truly take action and save a real species, follow this link: http://savetheorangutan.org/splash.html
To take action and sign an online petition against palm oil - and for tigers and orangutans - click here.
For information about palm oil, all animals and great zoos, visit this site: http://www.zoo.org.au/PalmOil
And the home of all things relating to animal conservation and rights: http://wwf.org.au/
For those who have Facebook, simply Like the Don't Palm Us Off Page to help make a difference.

If you have time, also check out some of my older palm oil based posts - Say No To Palm Oil and Primates Helping Primates.
I am aware that this is a long post - my apologies, and also my thanks if you have struggled through the whole thing.
Please leave a comment telling me what you changed on your Christmas shopping list.

Don't turn your back on orangutans.
If you can't help them, nobody can.
Do your bit - today.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cherish Friendship

As Christmas draws closer and schools break up for the holidays (yay!) we have to cherish friendship more than ever. I missed Friendship Day this year, which was celebrated on the 7th of August, but hey - shouldn't we celebrate friendship every day?
Click here for a site filled with everything that cries friends - quotes, photos, songs, monitored chatrooms and forums, and even a link to inspire your next piece of writing.

So celebrate one of the best things in the world - friendship.

Leave a comment telling me your favourite friendship quote and what you look for in a friend.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

World Cookie Day!

Today, December 4, is World Cookie Day. Why not celebrate it by whipping up a batch of delicious snacks for friends or family? And with Christmas around the corner, you can make candy cane, bell and Christmas tree shaped cookies to celebrate the season!
It is time to celebrate how lucky you are. Maybe you could sell cookies for charity? Or just enhoy time with family.
Unless you have a few favourite recipes up your sleeve, click here to browse heaps of cookie recipes. If you choose cookies with chocolate in them, use FairTrade chocolate!
Celebrate Christmas, cookies and your friends sometime this 
week... that's a challenge!

Oh, and Mum - if we make cookies anytime soon, I bags licking the bowl! xox Emma

Friday, December 2, 2011

International Day of Persons With Disabilities

Hello again, my amazing readers, and my apologies for a third post today. I am sure that you are sick of me, but this post must be written. So, here goes... bear with me here.

Tomorrow, 3rd of December, is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Yes, that is quite a mouthful, so if I have to type it again I will call it the IDPD, if that's all right with you. :-) For more information on this annual day, click here.
So tomorrow, remember those who aren't as lucky as you...and respect them. Respect them, for many of them are stronger than us all!
Actually, on second thoughts, always respect people with disabilities. No - don't treat them any differently to anyone else, respect EVERYBODY!
Cheers - enjoy your weekend everybody!

Welcome To The Christmas Season!

Welcome To The 2011 Christmas Season!

Yes, I know - how has it crept up on us when shops have been selling baubles and tinsel and Christmas trees since August? But however it has crept on us, it is here. The month of gift giving and  planning, Mum's Christmas pudding (yessss!!!) and turkey. The month we have all been counting down to (well, I have, anyway). The month school ends for the year! Yay!
Anyway, in most families I know there is a frantic rush for presents towards the end - looking for that something that is 'simply perfect, you know just perfect' or that something that 'he'll simply love..'
Well, this Christmas buy a FairTrade gift that will be simply perfect, and he'll simply love.
I have cheated a bit, I admit. Browsing the best site in the world, Google, I found two gorgeous online shops that stock FairTrade prezzies...and I am going to make them both the FairTrade Shop of The Moment (see the right hand coloumn on my blog, if you are recieving this by email) as well as another one I think you should consider.
For my much appreciated readers that are reading this via email, I will post links to the sites right here and now.

  1. Gifts From The Village - a great site. Just looking around the site, I saw lots of cute gifts that will be perfect for that someone you need to buy a gift for...
  2. Ethical Gifts - an amazing site filled with some of the coolest things I have seen all year. Definitely check it out!
  3. Oxfam - yes, I know most of have heard of it, but maybe it is time to seriously consider buying a life changing gift. For those who haven't heard of it, you buy things for impoverished families... a goat, a cow, an education. Choose your price range and change a life! Check it out as soon as you have finished reading this post! If you don't fancy the first Oxfam link, which takes you to Oxfam Unwrapped, then click here for adorable FairTrade gifts from all over the world.
My opinion: Buying gifts from Oxfam will make the person you give it to really good - and you'll feel good too. There is just something about giving a impoverished family a way to gain income. Ethical Gifts... well, all I can say is wow. It's a beautiful site, and there isn't something on the site I wouldn't want. They are all FairTrade - and did I mention beautiful??? And, lastly, Gifts From The Village. First of all, I love the layout of the site. It makes shopping for the cute gifts fun and easy. Secondly... the gifts are really, really cool.

I read in a magazine that one extended family pooled the money they previously used on Kris Kringle gifts and bought presents for people in Third World Countries instead, through Oxfam. Maybe something to think about....?

Make The Most Of What You Have

I know we all want the latest toys and appliances (yes, I would like an iPod Touch!) but sometimes the toys that absorb the most memories are the ones we make ourselves.
Great. Craft stuff. Draw up a shopping list, grab loads of money and hit the shops.
Wait! That isn't what this blog is about. This blog (I hope) is about justice for all and a clean, sustainable future.
So use what you have and make the most of it! Let's face it - if you are looking at this post, then you have access to a computer, and that makes you so, so lucky. Perhaps you don't know how lucky you are. I don't think I can quite comprehend how lucky I am. 
Anyway, open your fridge. Go on! Open it! Too engrossed in this post? I'm flattered. Now go open your fridge. Take a good look around.
What do most of us see? Milk bottles, perhaps cartons. Meat? Cheese? Lettuce and mayo for school lunches? Leftovers from last nights tea, the night before or (gasp!) last week.
Well, I don't know how to make toys out of mayonnaise, but if you are feeling creative, go for your life.
Milk bottles, though, make excellent toys. And for those readers who are perhaps beyond toys, this site I am about to give you has ideas from fishing floats to gardening things, from igloos to gardening things, from measuring cups to gardening things... There is a lot of gardening ideas! As well as a few toys. The ball catchers are a great idea - I think they would be fun to decorate and then even more fun to use!
So click here when you are almost out of milk. It saves the world and money.
You have lots of materials to make what you want, so milk it for all it's worth!
I know this is a long post already, but I have a bit more to add. Nesquik, Milo, Coffee and Tuna cans (among others) make great drums. Yep, true story. Got little kids? I mean, more little than me? Three, four, even five year olds? Go crazy!

You Will Need:
  • Any sized tin, rinsed and cleaned with the label removed. Empty, no lid needed.
  • White paper if the sides of your tin aren't flat - or newspaper for a funky look!
  • Paint (white if you aren't using paper, as well as a few different colours) or stickers, crayons, pencils, stamps... anything you want to decorate your drum
  • Tissue paper (coloured)
  • Elastic band or hair tie
  • Greaseproof baking paper
  • Craft glue
What To Do:
  1. If you are using paper, glue it around the edge of the tin. Allow to dry.
  2. When the glue is dried, decorate your drum - be creative!
  3. Wipe glue all over the piece of baking paper and stretch over the top of the drum, folding down at the sides. The glue not being used will help to tighten your drum's skin.
  4. Do the same with the coloured tissue paper and put over the top of the baking paper.
  5. In case the glue doesn't hold, strap the tissue paper down with an elastic band or hair tie.
  6. Wait for all glue and/or paint to dry, then make some music!
If this method doesn't work for you, you can do the same thing, but instead of using tissue paper and baking paper use a balloon stretched tight, and not glued. Another great thing about these drums (don't read this kids) is that they all make different sounds depending on their size - so you can never really have two of the same. Perhaps you could make a whole drum set... and a high hat out of a tin's lid? I don't know - you work something out! :-)

Sorry for the long post everyone - it may have been a bit boring, but hey! I hope you think of it when you are about to throw out a pet food can or milk bottle. Make memories and save the world!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

White Ribbon Day

Hello everyone! Yes, I know, I've been a little slack lately - I haven't updated since Remembrance Day, but now I am going to try posting regular environmental and human rights-based posts.

Tomorrow (Australian time) is White Ribbon Day - a day when men can speak out against violence towards women.
Will you support this cause? Will you swear against violence towards women?
Wear a ribbon. Visit the site. Support a safe and healthy future for all.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembrance Day

Will we ever even begin to understand the sacrifices the soldiers made?
Will we ever know all of the stories of all of the fallen?
Will we ever know what it is like to die for our families, our loved ones?

We may not. We may never understand the sacrifices words can't describe. We may never know all the stories. We may never die for those we love.
But people before us have fallen for us. So we can live the lives we know today.
Remember them. Not just on Remembrance Day, but every minute of every day. Every month of every year.

Support the people who put their lives on the line for you. Wear a poppy, and plant a virtual poppy with an inspirational message at 1000poppies.org

Lest We Forget

Thank you Mrs Jan for the great site - and to the soldiers, whose courage cannot be described. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
For an inspirational song and video, click hereFor the story of the poppy, click here. For a copy of In Flanders Fields and information about the author, click here. Thank you, and don't forget the soldiers who died for you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What Are You Going To Do About It?

In my last post, I briefly outlined the problem of global warming - now the ball is in your court, it is time to get off the bleachers and do something about it.
What are YOU going to do about it? Yes, you. No, not the person next to you. Not your parents. Not your siblings. You. You can make a difference.
Save electricity. Save money. Save our planet. Be a hero.

Be powered by renewable sources. Hydro power, wind power, solar power - cheaper. And greener.
Exercise! Walk instead of driving. Or, if you can't ride or walk, take public transport.

Always turn lights off when you are not using them. I should work on that...

Heat yourself! Ditch the heater and find a blanket, a coat, a dressing gown or someone to hug.
Eat by natural light. Open the windows, let in the sun! Soak in the beautiful and free light.
Replace blown lightbulbs with energy efficent ones - this will save time and electricity.
Off instead of standby. A TV on standby uses a lot of unnecessary energy - and money.

There are 6973696682 people in the world. More, perhaps, by the time I publish this. If we all tried to cut back on electricity use, how much of a difference could we make?
Do it for the animals. Do it for yourself. But, most of all, do it for the generations to come.

Leave a comment if you have any other energy saving tips. Thank you!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Global Warming

I think we have all heard of green house gases and the carbon cycle - but do we really know what it all means? Watch the video below that explains it - the video is aimed at children, but it really gets through the meaning of green house gases. Alternatively, read my simple explanation below the video.


Different things are causing global warming - but mostly human life. The cities, the cars, the electricity and the burning of coal all cause global warming. This is how it happens.
The greenhouses gases (the main ones are methane, carbon dioxide and ozone) from a layer around the Earth's atmosphere. Then the sun's rays hit the Earth, and while some light and heat is absorbed, a lot of the rays are reflected back into the atmosphere. When the rays reach the layer formed by the gases, they can't get through, and are trapped in the Earth's atmosphere.
Therefore, the atmosphere - and Earth - is heating up by over 30 degrees Celsius. This is melting the ice at both poles, which means the water levels are rising. Polar animals are dying and we are in danger of floods, fires and overheating.

The solution: Solar power. Hydro power. Wind power. Why are these different to coal? Because they are renewable sources. The sun will always shine, the wind will always blow. But when we burn coal, large amounts of CO2 (carbon dioxide) are released into the atmosphere, boosting global warming.

That is the simple way of explaining the greenhouse effect. Of course, there is many more..scientific explanations, but that is it in its simplest form.
Now it is up to you - and me - to change it.
Together, we can turn the tables on global warming and let our grandchildren enjoy our Earth. And their children after that, and then those children's children...

Sources: YouTube and Mr Shannon - thank you for everything Mr Shannon, and my apologies if I got it wrong...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Welcome to Movember!

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to November Movember! Movember, formerly named November, is the month that raises awareness and funds for men's health.
Thinking of designing, cultivating and showing off a stylish 'stache this month? And raising money for men's health? Looking cool for a cause - why wouldn't you?
Take the plunge. Grow the hair. Raise the money. Click here.
Clicking that 'here' will take you to the home of Movember, where you can sign up or just learn about the month of the mo. However, if you click here, you will be taken to a different site where you can purchase MOchandise and look at much more.
Men - and I suppose ladies - please be brave and don't shave this Movember!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Recycling Activity - Sock Puppets

Come on. We all have them - the socks whose partner have been taken by the sock-eating monster in the bottom of the washing machine. Or perhaps yours lives under the cushions on your couch.
Wherever their partner ends up, we all have odd socks. They sit in a bag, a box, a drawer, a cupboard, for days, weeks months and years.
Well, I have news for you. It is time to take out those socks that have been odd for decades, those socks that are doomed to die alone. Yes, everybody - it is those odd socks' time to shine.
From sock to star, from a pile of dust to a puppet. In a few simple steps, everyone, you will have a few more companions in the house and a lot more laughs.
Interested in bring your odd socks out of retirement and recycling them? Teachers, parents - kids love this activity. How do I know? Because I am a kid (well, an immature teenager) and I love making sock puppets.
If you want some fun with old socks click here or here. Or, simply just watch the video below...

To go straight to sock puppet wonderland (aka SocksInc.com) click here.

Let your imagination go wild, let your sense of fun take over, and do some good for the environment. Make a sock puppet today. The bets thing about them is, they can be as simple and easy as a few permanent marker eyes or as intricate and time-consumingly detailed as...well...you tell me! Post a comment describing all your sock puppet creations. I would love to know.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Un-Stunned Slaughter and Calf Starvation

Do you care about animals? If you do, this post is for you. This post is pleading, begging you to help. To help the hundreds of thousands of animals who are dying while fully conscious. To help the hundreds of thousands of calves that could be starved before being slaughtered. Helping these innocent animals is free and is guaranteed to go a long way.


If you have a heart, if you care, please click here and make a difference. 
Help save these animals - because you care, because you can.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Say No To Bottled Water

How easy is it to run into the supermarket and grab a bottle of water? How easy is it to leave the empty bottle in your car or throw it in a bin and hope it makes it to the recycling centre? In other words, how easy is it to kill thousands of animals? How easy is it to wreck our planet?
It is very easy. In fact, only 1 in 6 plastic bottles ever make it to a recycling bin. The United States use over 1500 plastic bottles every second. That is a lot of bottles that are ending up at the rubbish dump, or, even worse, in the environment.
Don't buy bottled water. Use a bubble tap or a tap at your house. It saves the environment and your money, because tap water, on average, is 500 times cheaper than bottled water.

For craft activities that recycle plastic bottles click here. Among my favourite activities were the piggy bank, ship in a bottle, apple paperweight, dome garden display and bird feeder. Enjoy saving the environment! Click here for a list of 10 Reasons to Say No to Bottled Water. Alternatively, click here for a statistic-packed fact sheet on saying no to bottled water.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

World Mission Sunday

Today is World Mission Sunday - a day that calls everybody in the world to bond together and make a difference in the world. It is a day to celebrate your faith and acknowledge your love for others. So, today, make a donation by clicking here. This site also has a lot of information on today.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't Be A LitterBug

How many of us have done it? Looked at the bin, so far away, looked at the piece of rubbish in our hand, and dropped it. Come on, why not? It's not going to hurt anybody.
Wrong. It can hurt. It can kill. All it takes is an innocent baby turtle to glimpse the glad-wrap and go in for a nibble. The plastic is caught in its throat and the baby is living its last moments.

It is not that hard to kill. Oh no, it is easy. Easy enough to drop a Tiny Teddies wrapper or a ball of glad-wrap  easy enough to stuff a chips wrapper down a pipe. It really is easy to kill. 

Why shouldn't I litter?

  • It is murder. It kills thousands of animals - every species has fallen victim to the carelessness of humans. Pollution means death.
  • It is healthy. A walk to the bin won't kill you - actually, it will be good for you! Imagine how much extra exercise you will get if you make the walk to the bin for the rest of your life.
  • It doesn't impress anyone. Murder? Cool? Uh, no. Being lazy? Uh, just get off your butt and put it in the bin. Laziness is so not cool.
  • It ruins the beauty of places. How many times have you gone to sit in a nice spot only to be met with someone's old Twisties wrapper and an empty packet of Extra gum? Again, not cool.
  • It is wrecking the Earth! This is the biggest problem. Every year, rubbish is swept through creeks and rivers until it gets to the sea - and, underwater, a huge rubbish dump is growing. By 2008 it was twice the size of the United States, and that will continue to grow until we get off our backsides and do something about it.
All that against killing animals, ruining the planet for future generations, and getting fat? I'll leave it up to you to decide whether to be a litterbug or not. 

It's not exactly rocket science.

For 'Don't Be A Litterbug' shirts, bags and hoodies, click here. A great gift idea!

Monday, October 17, 2011

TLC Appeal 2011

We all need a bit of Tender Loving Care - and when we need it, TLC for Kids is there.
TLC For Kids supports children in hospital, cheering them up when they are ill and miserable.
The 19th of October is your chance to brighten the lives of sick young people.
Reach out, help those who need it, and change their lives.
Or, if you can't wait to make someone smile, and possibly help them recover from a deadly illness, call 1300 361 461 to donate - and save lives.

World Wombat Day

October the 22nd is World Wombat Day.
My non-Australian readers may not have ever seen a wombat, or even heard of one. So I will tell you a bit about them.
Wombats are very cute, furry animals native to Australia. They are short and stout - growing up to one and a half metres long. They are almost always brown, but there are some grey, black and even sandy coloured wombats in Australia.
Living under what I believe is one of the world's coolest animal names, the wombat is a gentle, slow, patient animal that lives underground. Resembling a small bear, the wombat's placid and nocturnal lifestyle results in only a handful of people seeing one in the wild.
These lovable creatures are often in danger from new buildings and hunters. So, this World Wombat Day, please reach out and sponsor a wombat.

To donate to these gentle animals, please visit http://www.wombatawareness.com/sponsor and make a difference in the world.

Thank you very much and Happy Wombat Day for the 22nd of October!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Righteous Pups

Have you ever seen a puppy across the street, or through a window, and completely and totally fallen in love with it? I think all of us have.
But some people need puppies more than others - and that is where Righteous Pups come in.
Righteous Pups is an organisation that raises labradors and trains them to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. 
The dogs help the children cross the road and find where to walk, but most of all, they are a companion. Someone who will always listen, always understand. The best friend you could ever have.
Unfortunately, it costs Righteous Pups about $29 000 to train one dog - then they give the dog to whoever needs it the most, for free.
Incidentally, Righteous Pups depends on kind and generous people to support these dogs - and children.
Please, consider donating to Righteous Pups. It will make a world of difference to the children who live with Austism.
So please, please - reach out and help Righteous Pups improve lives.
For more information click this link: http://www.righteouspups.org.au/
Or, if you are not Australian, visit http://www.4pawsforability.org/

Saturday, October 15, 2011

World Egg Day

I have a confession to make. I forgot to post about World Egg Day. But I will now.
Yesterday was World Egg Day. World Egg Day celebrates everything about eggs - from their taste to their looks - and promotes them to the world.
Whenever you read this, please think about all the egg-laying hens that live in horrible conditions.
For more information, visit my earlier post The Life of A Battery Hen or click here to go straight to All Chefs Great and Small, a blog that focuses on eating and cooking with humanely produced food.
Thank you, all readers, and I hope you have a cracker of a Belated World Egg Day!

A Quote

This post is a little different. It is, simply, a quote.
"To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest." - Mahatma Gandhi
When it comes to this site, I am sure all regular visitors and subscribers have a passion for sustainability and justice. But do we just like reading about those things? Or do we really go out and live our beliefs?
That is why I want to know what that quote means to you. Each and every reader - whether  you are regular or this is a one off experience - please comment on this post and tell me what this quote means to you.

Thank you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Game On!

I know that for lots of us, clicking on to the Internet means just one thing - games!
And while there are amazingly fun sites like Miniclip, Friv, I Am Bored and GameSloth, there is a more ethical, yet equally fun, way.
No, I'm not pulling your leg. I am really and truly telling you that there is a free online game site that focuses on social justice issues.
Come on - check it out! Click here to play games that teach a lot about the world around you - and what the world will be like in twenty years.
Games about sweatshops, earthquakes, scientific research. It's all just a click away. It's all at your fingertips.
And it's a fun way to support people less fortunate than you.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Be Kind To Animals Week

Today marks the end of the first week of October and Be Kind To Animals Week.
I believe we should always be kind to animals - everyone, everywhere.
But, to celebrate this week, I am going to post a video of animals. I hope this will wake everyone up to the diversity of Earth's wildlife. I believe that there is something special and unique about every animal. If you disagree with this, please post the name of an animal and I will tell you something unique about them. Also, please post your favourite animal and why.

For more information, visit http://bekindtoanimalsweek.org/ or http://www.rspca.org.au/

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Say No to Palm Oil

Some readers may remember one of my early posts - Primates Helping Primates. In this post, I touched on the danger orangutans are in and the importance of buying palm-oil free products.
For those who didn't read my post, I'll skim over the situation again.
Orangutans are going extinct because their homes have been destroyed to make palm oil. Palm oil is in many products, and buying items containing palm oil is supporting the organisations who are destroying the orangutan's homes.
And yet it is not so easy to shop palm oil free - you can't just scan the label, read the ingredients. Why? Because manufacturers who use palm oil usually list it as vegetable oil.
Click here for a list of palm oil free products. Click here for a free fold up wallet card that tells you all the names palm oil is labelled under.
Now you know. Now you can change it.
Don't turn your back on the survival of orangutans. They are our cousins. Say no to palm oil and guarantee them a better future.

Thank you.

Monday, October 3, 2011

World Food Clock

This clock shows how many animals have been slaughtered this year, month, day and how many are being slaughtered right now for food. It also shows how many crops are being harvested for food. My only problem with this clock, apart from the actual statistics, is the spelling mistake on "vegetables".
But apart from that - I think this is very interesting. 
Visit http://www.poodwaddle.com/  for more free gadgets.


And yet with all that food, we can't feed the whole world? Yeah, right.

World MSA Day

Today is World MSA Day, and to recognise this I am going to post some facts about Multiple System Atrophy (MSA).
MSA affects many parts of the brain. This means that it gets worse and worse, affecting more and more parts of the body. The symptoms become visible in adulthood. MSA can provoke Positional Tremors - tremors that only occur in certain positions - and Parkinsonism.
Parkinsonism, a group of symptoms most common in the Parkinsons Disease, includes stiffness, tremors and unbalanced motion.
At the moment there is no way of stopping or slowing the disease's spread. It will gradually spread through the brain, therefore restricting and immobilising more and more parts of the body.

For more information, click here: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/msa/msa.htm

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Welcome To October!

Did you know that October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
This month is dedicated to raising awareness and funds for finding a cure.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Australian women - it took up 27% of the female cancer diagnoses in 2007. In 2007, 12 567 Australian women were diagnosed with breast cancer. Almost 3000 of them died.
It is expected that in 2015 over 15 000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
1 in 9 Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer before they turn 85.
Symptoms include:

  • Dimpled breasts
  • Lumps in the chest area
  • Redness and swelling
  • Large underarm lumps
If you have one or more of these symptoms, SEE YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.
Most breast lumps are benign, or non-cancerous, but it will put your mind to rest. In the case that there IS something there, it will be taken care of before it starts to get life-threatening.
Do it for your family - your children, parents, siblings, partner. And do it for yourself.
If you are a male with any of the symptoms listed above, see your doctor. It is uncommon, but breast cancer also threatens men. So SEE YOUR DOCTOR TODAY.

This month, donate money to a good cause. It is as simple as buying a Pink Ribbon Product. Or donating online today. 
You can make a difference.
You can save lives.

Visit the following websites for breast cancer information:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Do You Buy Cruelty Free?

What does it mean to buy cruelty free? 
Buying cruelty free is the buying of products that have not been tested by non-human animals.

When buying soaps, shampoos and conditioners, check the label to make sure the product has not been tested on animals.

What do you mean by 'testing on animals'?
Many manufacturers use animals, especially rabbits and mice, to test the irritability of the product. They rub the product into the animal's eyes to see what reaction they get, or they feed large amounts of the soap to the animal before returning them to their cold cages.

So, next time you go shopping, buy products that have not been tested on animals.
Check the label if you are not sure.

For more information visit http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/default.aspx
This site included lots of information, including a list of cruelty-free companies.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This post marks the twentieth post on this blog. To celebrate, I am including this list of 20 things you can do to change the world. Inspired by the list at http://www.lyved.com/life/20-ways-to-change-the-world/ 

20 Ways to Change the World

1 – Adopt – Adopt someone. Why? It shows that there are people out there who truly care, and it will change your life as well as the adopted. You don't have to adopt a baby - adopt a child, a teenager... don't just make their day, make their life!
2 – Just Be Nice – It sounds easy and simple and it is. However, it makes a huge difference in the world, so just let go - smile, laugh, open doors for people and let your compliments fly! What goes around comes around, so be nice and it will improve everyone's lives - including yours.
3 – Donate – You can donate so much. Time, money, food, blood... To donate time, visit http://www.landcareonline.com.au/ . To donate money, visit http://www.caritas.org.au  or http://www.oxfam.org.au/. To donate food, visit your local St. Vincent De Paul store or play the free quiz game at http://freerice.com/ - for every answer you get right, FreeRice donates 10 grains of rice to charity. 
4 – Be Positive – Smile! There is a silver lining on every cloud - you just have to look. Find it and bring some positivity into the world!
5 – Listen – Listening can heal heartache almost as well as chocolate! Listening teaches people a lot, and being listened to can make a world of difference to your self esteem. So listen. Even if it is your maths teacher explaining how to divide fractions (flip the second fraction and multiply denominators together and numerators together).
6 – Start a Business – Yes, it makes money. And yes, you could be famous. But you could do more than that. Employ the people that society ignores, donate proceeds, or some of them, to charity. Make a difference!
7 – Create Art – Write. Draw. Sing. Act. Paint. Make the world a brighter, more interesting place to live. Arts provoke positivity - so paint the world!
8 – Get Vocal – Speak out! It can be as big as holding a rally or leading a protest, or as small as writing letters to your local newspaper editor or sending letters. For a start, email the link of this blog to ten friends and tell them to pass it on - raise awareness and change the world, guys! Silence doesn't help anything except a sleeping baby.
9 – Be a Great Parent – Teach your children about the world and about how they can change it. Teach them to love, to listen, to understand and to speak out for justice.
10 - Pick Up Trash – Saving the world, one packet of Cheese and Bacon Balls at a time. Or are we destroying the world? For no one seems to pick up rubbish or put it in the bin in the first place. Come on guys! We can do this! We can fix the mess we have made and regain our pride. And our future.
11 – Talk – Talk small talk. 'Hello. My name is Emma. Nice day, isn't it. Oh, that breeze is chilly. Cute dog you have there.' Or talk big talk. Talk about yourself, your life, your beliefs. Then listen in return, as they did for you.
12 – Be an Inspiration – Live on the edge guys! Inspire others - write a book or paint a picture, turn the three somersaults in a row someone said you never would. Then blog about it and inspire even more!
13 – Become a Teacher – You don't have to have a Bachelor of Education. You can teach your kids, or your friends, or your neighbours... teach about life, from life, for life. Of course, becoming a certified school teacher is an amazing ambition - it changes to so many lives. Not old enough to be a school teacher? Then appreciate the ones that teach you.
14 – Become a Surrogate Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Whatever – There are children out there who are alone. No mother, no father. Abandoned. You can help. Fill the gap and be that someone they never had - visit http://www.bbbs.org for more information.
15 – Vote – Vote in your local elections and national elections. Vote for justice and a candidate that will follow through. Vote knowing that some change is for the better.
16 – Don’t Be Judgmental- Come on guys! We have all done it. We have all judged the book by it's cover - seen the girl with glasses (me) and immediately thought "nerd". Don't do it! It makes people feel awful, and it can lead to circumstances as serious as suicide. So get to know people before you judge them.
17 – Travel the World – Travel around the world and experience new places. Help other cultures and experience other worlds... change your life and be inspired. There are also so many different ways to travel. By foot with a swag and a tent; by caravan; by motor-home; by plane; by boat or by car. Life is there to be lived guys!

18 – Dream & Do: Dream of a better world then go out there and create it. Dreams become reality with enough work and determination.
19 – Focus – Think it, and do it - you can if you just FOCUS. Breathe, concentrate, and change the world.
20 – Do Something With Your Life! – Like I said before - life is there to be lived. So go out there, have fun and change the world while you do it. Go do that thing! Go chase that dream!
Some of these numbers will have a great impact on your life - for example numbers 1 and 6 - but some will only have a small impact on you, for example number 3. The only impact to you, apart from a small sacrifice, will be a pleasant feeling of achievement, pride and satisfaction - because you have truly changed someone's life.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Say Again?

I am re-posting one of my earlier posts, now that I have more viewers.

The Statistics That Shouldn't Be

Statistics show that almost 1 in 7 people go hungry in the world. However, statistics also show that, despite a 70% increase in the world's population since the 1980s, we produce enough food to feed the entire population of the world. Statistics also show that over a quarter of the world's population live below the international poverty line. Those people live on less than $1.25 per day.
In Australia, with $1.25, we could buy the following things:
  • One litre of milk
  • One box of pasta
  • One navel orange
  • One packet of chewing gum
  • A disgusting cup of coffee
  • One chocolate bar
  • Two potatoes
  • Two stamps
  • One onion
  • Two potatoes
  • One serve of yoghurt
  • One apple
This is disgusting and totally wrong. Not only can't these people afford medication, education and proper housing, they can't even afford a box of tissues (Kleenex - $3).

Do your bit today. Donate at one of these websites.

Change is just a click away.